会议名称 |
会议地址 |
会议日期 |
会议网址 |
WACV 2014: IEEE Winter conference on Applications of Computer Vision |
Steamboat Springs CO, USA |
March 24-26 |
http://www.wacv14.org/ |
2014 AAG meeting |
Tampa, USA |
April 8-12 |
http://www.aag.org/cs/annualmeeting |
Wavelength 2014 |
Great Malvern, Worcestershire
UK |
April 14-16 |
www.rspsoc-wavelength.org.uk/index.php/wavelength-2014 |
SPIE DSS 2014 |
Baltimore, Maryland |
May 5-9 |
http://spie.org/ |
ISPRS Technical Commission IV Symposium Geo-spatial Databases and Location Based Services |
Suzhou, China |
May 14-16 |
http://www2.isprs.org/2014tc4symposium/index.html |
ISPRS Technical Commission VI Symposium, Data, Information, and Knowledge Sharing for Geo-Education |
Wuhan, China |
May 19-21 |
www.lmars.whu.edu.cn/isprscom6/ |
17th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science, Connecting a Digital Europe through Location and Place |
Castellón, Spain |
June 3-6 |
The Third International Workshop on Earth Observation and Remote Sensing Applications (EORSA 2014) |
Changsha, China |
June 11-14 |
ISPRS Technical Commission V Symposium |
Riva, ITALY |
June 23-25 |
http://isprs-commission5.fbk.eu |
The 22nd International Conference on Geoinformatics (CPGIS) |
Kaohsiung, Taiwan |
June 24-27 |
ICML 2014: International Conference on Machine Learning |
Beijing, China |
June 21-26 |
http://icml.cc/2014 |
CVPR 2014: IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition |
Columbus, Ohio, USA |
June 24-27 |
http://www.pamitc.org/cvpr14/ |
IGARSS 2014,Energy and our Changing Planet |
Quebec City, Canada |
July 13-18 |
ICME 2014: IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo |
Chengdu, China |
July 14-18 |
http://www.icme2014.org/ |
AAAI 2014: 28th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence |
Québec City, Canada |
July 27-31 |
http://www.aaai.org/Conferences/AAAI/aaai14.php |
3rd International Congress on Big Data |
Anchorage, Alaska, USA |
June 27 - July 2 |
http://www.ieeebigdata.org/2014/ |
AUGUST 11-12 |
https://urbanbigdata.uic.edu/workshop-2014/ |
SIGGRAPH 2014: Computer Graphics and Interactive techniques |
Vancouver, BC, Canada |
August 10-14 |
http://www.siggraph.org/s2014/ |
ICPR 2014: International Conference on Pattern Recognition |
Stockholm, Sweden |
August 24-28 |
http://www.icpr2014.org/ |
BMVC 2014: British Machine Vision Conference |
University of Nottingham, UK |
September 1-5 |
http://bmvc2014.cs.nott.ac.uk/ |
ECCV 2014: European Conference on Computer Vision |
Zurich, Swizterland |
September 5-12 |
http://eccv2014.org/ |
MICCAI 2014: Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention |
Kresge Auditorium, MIT, USA |
September 14-18 |
http://miccai2014.org |
IROS 2014: IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots & Systems |
Chicago, Illinois, USA |
September 14-18 |
http://www.iros2014.org/ |
SPIE Remote Sensing |
Amsterdam, the Netherlands |
September 22-25 |
GIScience 2014, - Eighth International Conference on Geographic Information Science |
Vienna, Austria |
september 23-26 |
http://www.giscience.org/ |
ISPRS TC VII Symposium |
Istanbul, Turkey |
September 29- Oct 2 |
www.isprstc7-2014.org |
Joint International Conference on Geospatial Theory, Processing, Modeling and Applications |
Toronto, CANADA |
October 6-8 |
www2.isprs.org/2014GeoTPMA/home.html |
ICIP 2014: IEEE International Conference on Image Processing |
Paris, France |
October 27-30 |
http://icip2014.wp.mines-telecom.fr/ |
ACCV 2014: Asian Conference of Computer Vision |
Singapore |
November 1-5 |
http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~brown/accv2014/ |
22nd ACM SIGSPATIAL, International Conference on Advances in Geographic Informatio Systems, (ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS 2014) |
Dallas, Texas, USA |
November 4-7 |
NIPS 2014: Neural Information Processing Systems Conference |
Lake Tahoe, Nevada, USA |
December 1-4 |
International Conference on 3D Vision |
Tokyo, Japan |
December 8-11 |
http://www.3dv.org/ |
1. http://www.isprs.org/calendar/2014.aspx
2. http://www.isprs.org/calendar/other_calendar.aspx
3. http://www.geoinformatics.com/event-calendar
4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_computer_science_conferences
5. http://wikicfp.com/cfp/
6. http://www.conferencealerts.com
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